couch developers are independent game developers based in Basel, Switzerland. We frequently hang out on each others couches to develop ideas and have fun.
The team
Oliver, Programming
stargazing scientist, dedicated game dev and proud minion of the mighty Fairy King.
Michael, Design
architect and creative navigator, never without a sketchbook within reach.
Béatrice, Marketing
mad writer and art historian in-training, off-time samurai.
Tobias, Web design
passionate software-engineer interested in photography and computer graphics.
Eva, Finances
hat loving mathematician with a knack for teaparties with π.
former member (till August 2016): Alexander, Music
Feel free to send feedback or questions to
frequently asked questions (F.A.Q.)
What are you working on at the moment?
We are working on Fairy King: Rise of the Minions, which we will present for the first time at Fantasy Basel 2016.You can find information about our current progress here. For the first time we won`t be targeting mobile platforms: Rise of the Minions will be published for airconsole. Stay tuned.

Do you need some help? I would like to join your team!
Thank you for your interest. We are currently not planning to expand our team of developers.
You have more questions? Please contact us, we're happy to answer all of them.
social media
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.
couch developers
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The content of this website, including pictures, videos, logos belongs to CouchDevelopers or the mentioned owners. If you want to use them, please contact the copyright holder. The copyright of the store badges, the twitter icon and the facebook icon belongs to the respective owners.
privacy & cookies
We treat personal data strictly confidental and do not sell them. For the use of the stores where our games are provided, their terms and conditions apply. Please read them carefully. This website uses session cookies which are generated by Joomla/PHP to provide the possibility to log in and fill in contact forms.
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